
Review Article

Agriculture High-Quality Development and Nutrition

Zhongsheng Guo*

Published: 24 October, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 038-040

Modern Agricultural production wants to efficiently produce plant products and benefits to meet people's needs. However, because of better plant species and varieties, overuse of fertilizer and overdose of pesticide alters the plant resources relationship, resulting in soil degradation, vegetation decline, and crop failure or waste of resources, which influence the quality of fruit and benefit and are unfavorable for the sustainable utilization of nature resources and crops high-quality development. After a couple of years of study, the results showed that Agricultural development went into agricultural high-quality development in 2017, which is to use effective measures or methods to maximize yield and benefits and meet the need of people's need for better Agricultural produce and a better life. The theory foundation of the sustainable utilization of natural resources and Agriculture high-quality production is the resources use limit by plants, vegetation carrying capacity, and critical period of plant resources relationship regulation. The methods of Agriculture high-quality development are to select excellent plant species or varieties based on site conditions and market needs before planting crop young plants and sowing seeds, adopt appropriate initial planting density when planting crop young plants and sowing seeds, and regulate the relationship between plant growth and resources need in the process of crop production in a timely and appropriate amount, especially the chemical fertilizer and pesticide to obtain the maximum yield and benefits and realize the sustainable utilization of natural resources and achieve agricultural high-quality development.

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Natural resources; Clime change; Sustainable utilization; Chemical fertilizer; Agriculture high-quality development


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