
Research Article

Response of Chemical Fertilisation on Six-year-old Oil Palm Production in Shambillo-Padre Abad- Ucayali

Efraín David Esteban Nolberto, Guillermo Gomer Cotrina Cabello*, Robert Rafael-Rutte, Jorge Luis Bringas Salvador, Mag. Carmen Luisa Aquije Dapozzo, Guillermo Vilchez Ochoa, Luis Alfredo Zúñiga Fiestas, Nancy Ochoa Sotomayor and Mg. Merici Medina Guerre

Published: 13 September, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 024-028

It was proposed to determine the response of chemical fertilization in the production of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) six years old in the area of Rio Negro Shambillo Padre Abad in order to have a sustainable and economic alternative of chemical fertilization in the field stage, which contributes to the survival of the palm and provides the necessary resistance against pests and diseases. A completely randomized block design (DBCA) was used with four repetitions and treatments, 96 plants / UE / treatment were used, the spacing was 9x9 in rows and plants. Results obtained indicate the treatments; T3 and T2 (16,54 – 15,48 kg / plant) obtained the highest averages by bunch weight, T1 and T3 (17,48 – 15,42 fruits / bunch) obtained the highest averages regarding number of 
fruit / bunch, T1 and T3 (13,93 – 11,59 to 45 cm ) obtained the highest averages for bunch length, T1 and T3 (7,33 – 5,52 cm) obtained the highest averages regarding fruit length, T1 and T3 (11.37 – 9.54 g) obtained the highest averages regarding fruit weight, T1 and T3 (10,46 – 10,37 kg) obtained the highest averages to yield per plant. The addition of chemical fertilizers or organic amendments increases the weight of the oil palm bunch, consequently the production in soils with medium, low fertility; chemical fertilization influences the number of clusters of oil palm produced on a given surface, any dose is used as an alternative to phosphorous fertilization in oil palm with a direct relationship between plant height and root length. 

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African palm; Triple superphosphate; Molimax; Micro essential; Chemical fertilization


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