
Research Article

Transition to Cellular Nutrition as a Solution to Reduce Threats to Environmental Stability

Olga Viktorovna Ivanchikhina*

Published: 04 July, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 021-023

Nutrition is the process of supplying the organism with substances that have certain useful characteristics for the organism. It is through the process of nutrition that the organism receives the necessary amount of energy required for normal life activity. 
The cell is a structural and functional unit of the human body, and it is from a set of similar formations that tissue, organ, and organ systems are formed. Consequently, each cell of the body must receive the necessary supply of nutrients in order to continue its normal functioning. 
Cellular nutrition is the ability of each cell of the human body to consume nutrient molecules in the amount they need. In this case, the object of the study is just that nutrition, which begins with the nourishment of an individual cell. 
This article presents the results obtained by analyzing the data regarding the process of making the cell's consumption of the right nutrients while taking into account how the transition to cellular nutrition affects the environment and its constituents.

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Cell; Human body; Nutrition; Cellular nutrition; Environment; Pollution


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